I provide a range of free resources covering different areas of teaching and learning. These include The Starter Generator, Plenary producer and the AFL Toolkit. My premium resources focus mostly on stretch and challenge, as well as some on growth mindsets and a new set of books exclusively for teaching assistants, giving them all the tools they need to support learners in the classroom.
I provide a range of free resources covering different areas of teaching and learning. These include The Starter Generator, Plenary producer and the AFL Toolkit. My premium resources focus mostly on stretch and challenge, as well as some on growth mindsets and a new set of books exclusively for teaching assistants, giving them all the tools they need to support learners in the classroom.
70 different activities, ideas or tools based around assessment for learning. Each comes with a description and a pretty picture to liven up your day. The toolkit is easy to navigate and the ideas are transferable across key stages and subjects. Become an AfL master with the AfL toolkit!
The Differentiation Deviser presents 80 strategies, activities and techniques for differentiating, all of which can be used across the Key Stages and the curriculum. Every entry is clearly explained and accompanied by an image to aid understanding and recall. The Differentiation Deviser will make your life easier and your lessons better. Enjoy!
The Curriculum Compendium contains over 300 weblinks taking you to resources for nearly every subject on the Key Stage 3 and 4 curriculum. The links are connected to key areas of study in each subject and come from a wide range of sources.
The GCSE English Language Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE English Language Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE Science Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE Science Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The A Level Physics Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The A Level Physics Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE Business Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE Business Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE History Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE History Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE Geography Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE Geography Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The A Level Geography Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The A Level Geography Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The KS3 Geography Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The KS3 Geography Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The KS3 Maths Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The KS3 Maths Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The A Level PE Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The A Level PE Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The KS3 DT Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The KS3 DT Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE DT Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE DT Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE Psychology Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE Psychology Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE Religious Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE Religious Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The KS3 Religious Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The KS3 Religious Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The A Level Theatre Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The A Level Theatre Studies Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.
The GCSE PSHE Stretch and Challenge Workbook makes it as easy as possible for you to stretch and challenge the thinking of your most able students.
The workbook is self-contained and ready to use. It is thirty pages long, containing a wide range of stimulating, high-level activities. These are based on critical, creative and conceptual thinking, as well as the top two levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesis and evaluation.
Simply print off the workbook and give it to your most able students. They can then use it during lessons, when they have finished the main activity, or as the basis of challenging homework tasks.
The GCSE PSHE Stretch and Challenge Workbook is a perfect complement to the Stretch and Challenge Grid and the Stretch and Challenge Generator. All three together allow you to differentiate incredibly effectively for your most able students, with little or no planning required.